no, Sera is exactly right. its not that shes being mean…its that V doesn’t respect boundaries nor does it seem like she even asked Sera if she would like to be set up with someone. she just makes alot of assumptions because she thinks she has it already figured out. Your sexual identity is a very personal thing and its something that you should come into when you are comfortable with it….honestly even though what happened with Maddy ended up being a lie, it still progressed in a more natural pattern that what V was trying to set up….all of this on top of V wrecking the club, and Tess’s rebellion…well…its a bit much….its kinda like V is just making things worse.
I think it’s good that Sera is QUESTIONING V and her motives. And getting pissed. Sera’s pretty much been a recluse or a pawn her entire life and then someone comes along and tells her she can be more. BUT FIRST she has to jump through hoops and perform like a circus pet. I’d be livid too.
the crack in the glass like the dam about to burst…
I don’t think V is playing with Sera, it’s more trying to push her out of her cocoon, get her to be more open to the the world, light a fire under her so to speak. She just may have under estimated the conflagration that will result. Perhaps seriously under estimated!
I suspect you are right, but you talk to a true introvert (not just a shy person who wishes they could get out more) and almost any of them will tell you they do not need or want other people ‘lighting fires’ beneath them. I spent my middle school and early high school years surrounded by people dragging me to parties and events, sitting me near people I didn’t know, and trying to ‘drag me out of my shell,’ I always hated it and thought there was something wrong with me. Then I figured out it was OK to not want to be around everyone and make friends (and boyfriends) at my own pace.
I don’t really blame them, we were young and they were trying to do what they thought was best for me, and I’m sure V thinks she’s doing the same, but she’s older and should know better. It’s one thing to be stagnant and indecisive, and it’s great to help someone who needs it, but introversion isn’t an ‘issue’ to be fixed and V can fuck right back off to England if she thinks otherwise.
Assuming that’s what’s happening. With that woman, god knows.
This might be my favorite group of panels in the entire series.
This just shows why Sera and Tess have got along for so long.
They complete each other…
I don’t think V had planned on her assistant being a set up, just a dependable point of contact. She’d clearly be a good fit in Crestfallen, as well as with Seras family (someone’s gotta babysit the lil one while S&V are training and Zoe is working).
V’s given Sera the confidence in her own magic – not only did she make an entire audience fly, she can keep the tea in the tea cup. But this? Sera, it may be your comic, but it’s not always about you.
I didn’t see this coming. I usually get the heart-wrenching plot twists, but not this time. Holy. Shit.
Ever since Tess pulled the whole ‘Against V’ thing, I’ve been a bit wary of V, like maybe she isn’t good? But this, this is just fucking unacceptable. What the shit. V is creeping off of my good list.
That being said, I think Crawlsie and Sera would be cute together if not in this awfully awkward and totally not cool circumstance.
aww don’t think like that D: I can’t imagine her doing anything mean to Sera
no, Sera is exactly right. its not that shes being mean…its that V doesn’t respect boundaries nor does it seem like she even asked Sera if she would like to be set up with someone. she just makes alot of assumptions because she thinks she has it already figured out. Your sexual identity is a very personal thing and its something that you should come into when you are comfortable with it….honestly even though what happened with Maddy ended up being a lie, it still progressed in a more natural pattern that what V was trying to set up….all of this on top of V wrecking the club, and Tess’s rebellion…well…its a bit much….its kinda like V is just making things worse.
aww poor Sera
About time…
Dear God, the emotions coming out of sera right now o.o
I think it’s good that Sera is QUESTIONING V and her motives. And getting pissed. Sera’s pretty much been a recluse or a pawn her entire life and then someone comes along and tells her she can be more. BUT FIRST she has to jump through hoops and perform like a circus pet. I’d be livid too.
the crack in the glass like the dam about to burst…
I don’t think V is playing with Sera, it’s more trying to push her out of her cocoon, get her to be more open to the the world, light a fire under her so to speak. She just may have under estimated the conflagration that will result. Perhaps seriously under estimated!
I love mixed metaphors! V isn’t playing with a full deck of marbles . . .
I suspect you are right, but you talk to a true introvert (not just a shy person who wishes they could get out more) and almost any of them will tell you they do not need or want other people ‘lighting fires’ beneath them. I spent my middle school and early high school years surrounded by people dragging me to parties and events, sitting me near people I didn’t know, and trying to ‘drag me out of my shell,’ I always hated it and thought there was something wrong with me. Then I figured out it was OK to not want to be around everyone and make friends (and boyfriends) at my own pace.
I don’t really blame them, we were young and they were trying to do what they thought was best for me, and I’m sure V thinks she’s doing the same, but she’s older and should know better. It’s one thing to be stagnant and indecisive, and it’s great to help someone who needs it, but introversion isn’t an ‘issue’ to be fixed and V can fuck right back off to England if she thinks otherwise.
Assuming that’s what’s happening. With that woman, god knows.
I love this response all kinds of bunches.
hell yeah, preach it
Sera is channeling her “Inner Tess”
The blue parts of her hair should turn bright red while she does this…
The primal scream at last! Depression followed by rage. And best of all, Crawlsie can empathise . . . ‘girl bonding’ ensues . . . maybe.
I suspected V’d pull something like this. Like, oh you’re a lesbian? I know a lesbian! You’re perfect for each other! NOW KISS.
^All I could think about after reading your comment. Don’t worry, I feel ashamed.
Damn right girl!
Heh, she temporarily pigtailed her hair to mock V.
I’d say something else but it’s all already been said XD
Poor Sera’s bubble finally busted, and by someone she idol[s/ed].
Uhhhh…I’ll come back next panel. -walks away awkwardly- O_O
i mean, on the other hand, sera’s assuming a whole hell of a lot about how crawlsie feels about all this.
At this point, V no longer needs Crawlsie. The girls should take a ‘road’ trip to visit Crawlsie’s family in Arizona.
This might be my favorite group of panels in the entire series.
This just shows why Sera and Tess have got along for so long.
They complete each other…
I don’t think V had planned on her assistant being a set up, just a dependable point of contact. She’d clearly be a good fit in Crestfallen, as well as with Seras family (someone’s gotta babysit the lil one while S&V are training and Zoe is working).
V’s given Sera the confidence in her own magic – not only did she make an entire audience fly, she can keep the tea in the tea cup. But this? Sera, it may be your comic, but it’s not always about you.
Love the details – the cracking glass, Crawlsie’s glasses…
And Sera’s ranting impersonation of V is spot on.
Can’t wait for the rest of this panel. I imagine it’ll be Crawlsie trying to talk Sera down, but whatever comes next, it’ll be good!
Oh dear, I was afraid of this. Even if her intentions were good, matchmaking by distance can easily be seen as manipulative (as we see right here).
This is officially one of my favorite pages in BYSH. She’s gettin’ feisty!
Love this panel <3
I didn’t see this coming. I usually get the heart-wrenching plot twists, but not this time. Holy. Shit.
Ever since Tess pulled the whole ‘Against V’ thing, I’ve been a bit wary of V, like maybe she isn’t good? But this, this is just fucking unacceptable. What the shit. V is creeping off of my good list.
That being said, I think Crawlsie and Sera would be cute together if not in this awfully awkward and totally not cool circumstance.
Oh dear… This. Is. Bad. Really, really bad… Have fun Sera. Give V what’s coming to her.