Ms Crawlsie is “The anti-Tess”? She stays calm under pressure? She thinks before she speaks (or shouts)?
In panel 4, is Sera’s shirt making little “heart eyes” as Sera is smitten with l’amour toquade?
Regular hearts I mean, not skull shaped ones…
Panel 3 is terrific! Everything about it “works” perfectly! And both ladies look great.
One more thing: “I’ve been staying up…” This has bothered Ms Crawlsie for some time now? How long has Mz V been away from home? I wonder what she’s been up to…
(Spying on Sera’s date, no doubt!)
She found out Sera likes girls about eight hours ago, when Sera told her her date was with a girl, so I guess she figured this out pretty quickly (hence the swearing) and she’s been staying up since.
Mine is Nuku Nuku:
From the anime: “All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku” She’s my favorite! :heart:
(Searching “Nuku Nuku” almost always finds her or the anime, no need for the long name!)
OH MAN, OH MAN! You have no idea how happy I am that someone asks that.
Gives me a reason to mention what I do. My avatar is the main character of my own comic project that I work on at the moment. If people here wanna check it out, (I would really like to hear from you! You’re great bunch of insightful internet comments!) you can read it at:
There are 5 pages up now. Working in full pages and color is new territory for me, which is very visible in the first 2 pages. But I feel like it’s devoping in a good direction and more feedback would be of tremendus help.
me like. (^.^) your fear of coloring doesn’t show: I think that tones are swell for the tone of the pages. \(^.^)/
not to start the wrong trend here, but feel free to check my stuff out at
this is the *only* time i’m going to throw that shameless plug out. I mean, this *is* AA’s awesome site, and there’s no need to gook it up with my sad stuff. (^.~)
@Robb is being too modest! As usual! Hey @Robb? You used to have a link in your name & avatar, but they’re gone now?
Also at his site are some outstanding manga he translated years back.
And @Slinker: Your link is missing a “w” and doesn’t work!
Thanks. Doing colors is fun, it’s just far easier when you do it on a single drawing and got all the time in the world. I have while working on this, been thinking a lot how background colors can completely destroy the viewers focus if its too colourful so recently I try stick with a “color theme” on every page and try stick with a fewer selection of colors.
I check out a few chapters (1, 2 and 9.) of your Beo-Woolfe-comic. And I gotta say “WOW!”, you’re on heck of a productive person. To be able to produce so many pages itself is a feat. You also draw well. Despite a lot of things going, the situations, setting and emotions are all clear.
Although while reading it I feel the story structure has a lot of room for improvements. This isn’t and easy task and I fail at it constantly. But I feel your story would benefit being less fast-phased. There is a lot of characters, narration text, and dialogue. And it all feels a bit stressful to take in. I would like to see more silent pages as a pause where your images speaks for themself, and let the characters live in the moment rather than constantly continue the overall plot. Does that make sense?
I also feel your writing would be stronger for it. There are actually a lot of funny dialogues there but it kinda falls flat when there is so much else going on.
Anyway that is just my first what could be better. I personally enjoy when people try give constructive feedback so I try being an example of that now. (And gosh how I tried) ^^
And I can see improvements in chapter 9. So just keep going.
Oh man, makes me crazy when I’m justifiably fuming over someone making trouble in my life and whoever I’m venting to begins making excuses for the trouble maker ><
Angerus interuptus. =) Every time I read your comic it makes me wish I had done the selective color thing with my own. And it’s not just that I hate coloring. Honest.
Ms Crawlsie is “The anti-Tess”? She stays calm under pressure? She thinks before she speaks (or shouts)?
In panel 4, is Sera’s shirt making little “heart eyes” as Sera is smitten with l’amour toquade?
Regular hearts I mean, not skull shaped ones…
Panel 3 is terrific! Everything about it “works” perfectly! And both ladies look great.
One more thing: “I’ve been staying up…” This has bothered Ms Crawlsie for some time now? How long has Mz V been away from home? I wonder what she’s been up to…
(Spying on Sera’s date, no doubt!)
She found out Sera likes girls about eight hours ago, when Sera told her her date was with a girl, so I guess she figured this out pretty quickly (hence the swearing) and she’s been staying up since.
Ah! Excellent point. I forgot that it’s getting late in the night by then. Now? In this page.
i like both of your avatars. where is it from?
Mine is Nuku Nuku:
From the anime: “All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku” She’s my favorite! :heart:
(Searching “Nuku Nuku” almost always finds her or the anime, no need for the long name!)
I drew mine :3
Stop being reasonable, Crawlsie!
This could either end well or… more well?
i like your avatar too. Where is it from?
OH MAN, OH MAN! You have no idea how happy I am that someone asks that.
Gives me a reason to mention what I do. My avatar is the main character of my own comic project that I work on at the moment. If people here wanna check it out, (I would really like to hear from you! You’re great bunch of insightful internet comments!) you can read it at:
There are 5 pages up now. Working in full pages and color is new territory for me, which is very visible in the first 2 pages. But I feel like it’s devoping in a good direction and more feedback would be of tremendus help.
me like. (^.^) your fear of coloring doesn’t show: I think that tones are swell for the tone of the pages. \(^.^)/
not to start the wrong trend here, but feel free to check my stuff out at
this is the *only* time i’m going to throw that shameless plug out. I mean, this *is* AA’s awesome site, and there’s no need to gook it up with my sad stuff. (^.~)
@Robb is being too modest! As usual! Hey @Robb? You used to have a link in your name & avatar, but they’re gone now?
Also at his site are some outstanding manga he translated years back.
And @Slinker: Your link is missing a “w” and doesn’t work!
We need some “heart shaped skull” based smileys…
By “link” I mean your name & avatar…
We also need an “edit” button for we who are terminally typo’d… :O
At least we have italics! And Bold.
At least a “delete post” so we can re-try…
Thanks. Doing colors is fun, it’s just far easier when you do it on a single drawing and got all the time in the world. I have while working on this, been thinking a lot how background colors can completely destroy the viewers focus if its too colourful so recently I try stick with a “color theme” on every page and try stick with a fewer selection of colors.
I check out a few chapters (1, 2 and 9.) of your Beo-Woolfe-comic. And I gotta say “WOW!”, you’re on heck of a productive person. To be able to produce so many pages itself is a feat. You also draw well. Despite a lot of things going, the situations, setting and emotions are all clear.
Although while reading it I feel the story structure has a lot of room for improvements. This isn’t and easy task and I fail at it constantly. But I feel your story would benefit being less fast-phased. There is a lot of characters, narration text, and dialogue. And it all feels a bit stressful to take in. I would like to see more silent pages as a pause where your images speaks for themself, and let the characters live in the moment rather than constantly continue the overall plot. Does that make sense?
I also feel your writing would be stronger for it. There are actually a lot of funny dialogues there but it kinda falls flat when there is so much else going on.
Anyway that is just my first what could be better. I personally enjoy when people try give constructive feedback so I try being an example of that now. (And gosh how I tried) ^^
And I can see improvements in chapter 9. So just keep going.
Yay! Someone who doesn’t wanna throw V off a cliff!
She figured it out right away. That explains why she was so insistent on Sera going on the date.
fame tends to make people quite lonely
Leave it to Crawlise to be reasonable about everything. Now I’m waiting for her story that’ll help Serenity understand V’s actions.
“It’s going to be very sternly worded, whatever it is.”
and I think it should go something like: “you’ve been very, very bad, which has made me quite cross. oh, yes. *quite*. cross.”
stay tune for more exciting drama with, “Life! With! Crawlsie!” (cue theme music ♫♪)
Oh man, makes me crazy when I’m justifiably fuming over someone making trouble in my life and whoever I’m venting to begins making excuses for the trouble maker ><
Angerus interuptus. =) Every time I read your comic it makes me wish I had done the selective color thing with my own. And it’s not just that I hate coloring. Honest.