Might be! Might be a heart with an arrow & certain initials inside…
Might be a new branch, representing their budding romance!
Or, you know, the whole “bus thing” again…
Yeah the top does look like it’s starting to curve into a heart. I mean Crawlsie did ask her how she felt before she ran away so this might be a whole show not say how I feel
Actually taking a closer look at panel 2 it’s like Sera has just realized she has a “power” she wasn’t aware of before. In cameo panels 4, 5, and 6, she’s feeling it, experiencing it, and using it for the first time. In the entire battle with Stiletta she wasn’t shooting lightening bolts around.
And I’d bet V will say the tree needed pruning or was getting too big anyway.
Isn’t that the tree V always sits on? Maybe she’s not writing/drawing something at all… Maybe she’s breaking V’s tree in a fit of anger and plans on using what’s left to smash her way out of the greenhouse, since she seems to be having trouble with the doorknob and all… probably not though. Who knows? As was stated above, I guess we will have to wait until Thursday to find out…
Please, please, please be something nice! Move on from Maddie Sera! You can do it! She’s not worth it! I’m not asking you to use Crawlsie as a rebound, but at least acknowledge that there are other women for you! You have the power to change your heart, and you don’t have to accept this kind of Bullshit!
But if that happened.. then we wouldn’t have this lovely plot line… and I’d kind of like to see you at full power mode (don’t mess with this girl!)… Oh the conundrums!
Shots fired!
Goodbye question time with a ficrional rock star witch
But.. Seraaa! I specificlly told you 3 pages ago NOT TO HURT THAT TREE!
Seriously sometimes I think my comments here doesn’t affect the plot at all.
I don’t think shes all there right now, I mean, look at those X’s on her eyes :/
she shot the tree?
It’s the start of a heart. Vandalizing a tree is a time honored romantic tradition.
Might be! Might be a heart with an arrow & certain initials inside…
Might be a new branch, representing their budding romance!
Or, you know, the whole “bus thing” again…
But… why? As a deception/distraction, giving V what she thinks she wants to see?
I don’t think this is going there.
Unless she puts her initials in with someone other than Crawlsie, to piss V off.
But that would hurt Crawlsie’s feelings, and I don’t think Sera’s going there, either.
Guess I’m just gonna hafta wait ’till Thursday…
Yeah the top does look like it’s starting to curve into a heart. I mean Crawlsie did ask her how she felt before she ran away so this might be a whole show not say how I feel
Looks like it might be the water serpent that Tess be rabble-rousing ’bout.
Actually taking a closer look at panel 2 it’s like Sera has just realized she has a “power” she wasn’t aware of before. In cameo panels 4, 5, and 6, she’s feeling it, experiencing it, and using it for the first time. In the entire battle with Stiletta she wasn’t shooting lightening bolts around.
And I’d bet V will say the tree needed pruning or was getting too big anyway.
Wonder if Vw is actually hiding in the tree…
meanwhile the tree say http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umDr0mPuyQc c´mon sera don´t be a HATER TREES
Let’s not think this one through to much it my be right in front of us
Isn’t that the tree V always sits on? Maybe she’s not writing/drawing something at all… Maybe she’s breaking V’s tree in a fit of anger and plans on using what’s left to smash her way out of the greenhouse, since she seems to be having trouble with the doorknob and all… probably not though. Who knows? As was stated above, I guess we will have to wait until Thursday to find out…
Please, please, please be something nice! Move on from Maddie Sera! You can do it! She’s not worth it! I’m not asking you to use Crawlsie as a rebound, but at least acknowledge that there are other women for you! You have the power to change your heart, and you don’t have to accept this kind of Bullshit!
But if that happened.. then we wouldn’t have this lovely plot line… and I’d kind of like to see you at full power mode (don’t mess with this girl!)… Oh the conundrums!
Maybe it’s the broken heart she was holding up just before this book began?