this panel shows diversity and constitution. the comedy of animated features transfigured into a surreal landscaped emotional final frame, bringing about a 180 change in tone and context– all in a heartbeat– sera’s.
The emotional expressiveness of both the scripting and execution are immense. I kind of take it for granted from you, but it’s still amazing.
(am I a bad person for finding the first panel “panic!” face kind of adorable? The little alarm lines & everything…)
Did Sera teleport? Can witches teleport? Is her worry caused by being miles away from the cave? Was the “Shlik” sound a teleporting sound effect? And is this the lake Sera froze all those years ago? Or just some other place of significance.
the “obvious” guess would be some remote part of Blind Creator Bay, just far enough to be inconvenient, but she could be anywhere……
i’m even sorta wondering if Stiletta wasn’t just an ecto-hallucination, tho she seemed awfully realistic…. it would have to indicate some breakthru in Sera’s knack with the Snot if it were. prolly not, but maybe…..
Discussion (20) ¬
hahaha this is so awesome!!!!!!!! NEXT ONE PLZ!!!
Yay Sera isn’t hurt!
Oh no, she’s in trouble! >:
hahahaha. I feel bad for Sera, but this entire page (especially the last panel) is hilarious.
I love the trees. You can do magical things with graphite.
wow, i totally *KNOW* that feeling……
brilliant first panel, especially the text!
OMG! Awesome!
Sera’s all cute when she’s flailing.
That last panel is absolutely fantastic.
this panel shows diversity and constitution. the comedy of animated features transfigured into a surreal landscaped emotional final frame, bringing about a 180 change in tone and context– all in a heartbeat– sera’s.
So…. what?
Oh man. Sera, don’t panic. *hands her a towel*
The emotional expressiveness of both the scripting and execution are immense. I kind of take it for granted from you, but it’s still amazing.
(am I a bad person for finding the first panel “panic!” face kind of adorable? The little alarm lines & everything…)
First Panel, I though she said “WHARRGARBL!”
“The merkin put and …”
A merkin is a pubic wig innit?
claire:”(am I a bad person for finding the first panel “panic!” face kind of adorable? The little alarm lines & everything…)”
no, you’re just *right*, it *is* adorable.
it is great the panel of sera just very funny hahahahaha
well all have a good day and remember viva gorillaz!
I’ve felt this sort of panic before…..
I just never have as good of reason as Sera..^_^;;;
BWAH! *bites nails* so nervous for her!!! and where the hell IS she?!
did she transport herself there? or did someone else?
I absolutely love your art- it continues to wow me with every page.
I can’t WAIT to own this baby. XD
Did Sera teleport? Can witches teleport? Is her worry caused by being miles away from the cave? Was the “Shlik” sound a teleporting sound effect? And is this the lake Sera froze all those years ago? Or just some other place of significance.
the “obvious” guess would be some remote part of Blind Creator Bay, just far enough to be inconvenient, but she could be anywhere……
i’m even sorta wondering if Stiletta wasn’t just an ecto-hallucination, tho she seemed awfully realistic…. it would have to indicate some breakthru in Sera’s knack with the Snot if it were. prolly not, but maybe…..