I want to yell at the Box News staff now. Which is irrational on so many levels, but still.
8 SSI dead, I thought it would be worse than that.
“Tessie carnage contained by area witch’s heroic action” — how’s that for a headline?
I want to know what exactly “took Rose into custody” means. :/ Also whether anyone bothered to get that large red-haired man off the roof.
(“quote unquote ‘lovers’ spat'” = lol!)
…go ahead and ask me about the conspiracy. SSI needed to take Rose in to keep face as hard witch hunters, really she probably was too traumatized to resist anything. I mean if I saw someone go down in front of me then I would be traumatized (let alone someone being taken down by a red kobold).
you know, when I first saw a drawing of Tess I wasn’t sure.. She sho’ has some fearsome eyebrows this is why I love your portrayal of female characters, it’s refreshing. & more realistic than most..
How do you stop a witch from creating monsters that are a product of nightmares? I have visions of a drugged up Sera in a strait jacket being prepped for that lobatamy.
“Man”? Wow, some one actually thought Tess human and not some sasquatchian missing link? She must have got all gussied up that day.
uh oh..
lol they though tess was a guy haha. stupid press.
oh wow…..:( I wanna know how Tess and Sera are doing..
So can’t wait for the hard copy to come out x_x
this whole page a week thing is agonizing. >_>
I want to yell at the Box News staff now. Which is irrational on so many levels, but still.
8 SSI dead, I thought it would be worse than that.
“Tessie carnage contained by area witch’s heroic action” — how’s that for a headline?
I want to know what exactly “took Rose into custody” means. :/ Also whether anyone bothered to get that large red-haired man off the roof.
(“quote unquote ‘lovers’ spat'” = lol!)
…go ahead and ask me about the conspiracy. SSI needed to take Rose in to keep face as hard witch hunters, really she probably was too traumatized to resist anything. I mean if I saw someone go down in front of me then I would be traumatized (let alone someone being taken down by a red kobold).
you know, when I first saw a drawing of Tess I wasn’t sure.. She sho’ has some fearsome eyebrows this is why I love your portrayal of female characters, it’s refreshing. & more realistic than most..
fade to story… nice move.
Bwahahaha, a large man in a lovers’ spat with Sera. That’s the ray of funny I’ve been looking for these past few weeks
i guess from far away and if you couldnt hear what they were saying it would look like a lovers…..spat…
“lovers spat” ? wow that press is really stupid
sheez, Tess is gonna be pissed when she sees the news. Hope she doesn’t ditch the hat over it (tho curious to see what her next “style” would be….).
Sad part is, some people actually *believe* that kind of reporting. (oh wow, i just realized it’s on every channel!)
…. does NBL stand for “nowledge basis lacking” or “negatively biased libel”?
How do you stop a witch from creating monsters that are a product of nightmares? I have visions of a drugged up Sera in a strait jacket being prepped for that lobatamy.
But whatever happened to tess…?
she said she was going to turn in sera before anyone was killed, Maybe it was a self fullfilling prophescy.
yep, where’s Tess? And that reporter better hope she doesn’t find him first
Tess is a Big Strong man!!! lol.
“large red-haired man” ROFLMFAO I LOVE Tess. i want her soooooo badly! :d
can NOT wait for strange adventures to restock. they said they should be getting ur stuff back in in a few months =3