An appropriate next panel would be a mushroom cloud, perhaps with little skulls and monstery things in the dust and in the air. Like a mushroom cloud of confetti
Sera’s having a reality meltdown, or rather seeing her reality get melted down around her in real time. Will she fizzle or go bang
And Stilleta really does have some issues to work on. Or is she a pawn of Valentine/Charles getting revenge for his town being turned into Disney gothic land
for once i agree with stiletta. GROW A PAIR AND FIGHT BACK SERAAAA!!!! *combine that with an epic fist-shaking pose on a cliff leading into a stormy ocean, u all know the image im talking about*
srsly, its been, what, 3, 4 pages of sera getting her ass whupped?
Oh dear, Tess is working at the cafe today!!! Hopefully the fight doesn’t move there, though I love the thought from page 97, “This place is going to be a mob scene…” guess her prediction was correct.
I like the sound effect “bludg” Im going to use it someday, also gotta love the part where Stiletta throws the knife and decapitates those 4 people…good aim
Also, we never got a description of what Stiletta’s voice sounds like, did we? I can’t decide how to voice her in my head.. maybe kind of raspy? But so is Sera, and there’s all kinds of raspy..
I haven’t read this comic in like two years, and i suddenly remembered and just finished all of what there is for Goodbye to Crestfallen, and i remember why i was so hooked.
“ahrrrrrrg!!!!” come ON SERA!!!!!! PLEASE….. FIGHT FOR THE FANS and for the poor f****ings INNOCENT BYSTANDERS! (lemins)
oh my god!!!
sera need madness like johnny yep like johnnythm to defeat to stilleta damint….
horrible emo witch
JOHNNY THE HOMICIDAL MANIAC IS VERY MUCH BETTER than stilleta the emo homicidal witch hahahaha
sera kick her ass in the next page I know…
An appropriate next panel would be a mushroom cloud, perhaps with little skulls and monstery things in the dust and in the air. Like a mushroom cloud of confetti
holy… freaking…shit…
I think she wants Sera to fight for it. Let’s see if she gets what she wants.
Awesome panel, also.
I sense some epic pwnage in eh force.
Sera’s having a reality meltdown, or rather seeing her reality get melted down around her in real time. Will she fizzle or go bang
And Stilleta really does have some issues to work on. Or is she a pawn of Valentine/Charles getting revenge for his town being turned into Disney gothic land
for once i agree with stiletta. GROW A PAIR AND FIGHT BACK SERAAAA!!!! *combine that with an epic fist-shaking pose on a cliff leading into a stormy ocean, u all know the image im talking about*
srsly, its been, what, 3, 4 pages of sera getting her ass whupped?
shit…she just exploded like 20 people right there…heh
when did you first start having these feelings of exploding people, Aaron?
The tipping point, it is coming soon, yes?
I’m not sure, but I think Stiletta wants her to fight back.
Umm.. Sera… You look a little…pissed…
nooooo innocent bystanders!
That is quite an impressive tongue. No wonder Stiletta has a ssssssspeech impediment.
So there’s like only 14 more pages left in the 120 installment. Getting anxious
Oh dear, Tess is working at the cafe today!!! Hopefully the fight doesn’t move there, though I love the thought from page 97, “This place is going to be a mob scene…” guess her prediction was correct.
Heh, I agree with Stiletta, come on Serenity fight back! *shakes her* Come on!!!! BTW, its really fun to explode people aaron, try it in real life.
All Stiletta really wants is to be a motivational speaker. While her approach is unconventional, she gets an A+ for effort.
Also, holy crap, so much death.
I like the sound effect “bludg” Im going to use it someday, also gotta love the part where Stiletta throws the knife and decapitates those 4 people…good aim
Yeah, Sera never occurred to me as much of a “fighty” witch.. this is a bit unfair. Stoppit Stiletta *frumpy face*
Also, we never got a description of what Stiletta’s voice sounds like, did we? I can’t decide how to voice her in my head.. maybe kind of raspy? But so is Sera, and there’s all kinds of raspy..
My prediction: Tess is going to come out, and Stiletta is going to try to kill her, and then Sera will fight back.
Sera generally won’t defend herself, but she will defend her friends. :3
talk about collateral damage….. Aaron, have you considered that you may be spending a little *too* much time with Jhonen? 😉
(hopefully *some* will survive so it doesn’t all get pinned on Sera!)
And Tess….. that woman’s got an awful lot of plaster “armor” right now; wouldn’t it just be great to see her set an example for Sera?
just noticed…. that bottom panel looks an *awful* lot like just before the TV explodes…..
lol, Alphatroll, it is a bit reminiscent of a few JTHM scenes huh? XD
Baaaah! Does want more, can haz? plzthnx?
I haven’t read this comic in like two years, and i suddenly remembered and just finished all of what there is for Goodbye to Crestfallen, and i remember why i was so hooked.
“ahrrrrrrg!!!!” come ON SERA!!!!!! PLEASE….. FIGHT FOR THE FANS and for the poor f****ings INNOCENT BYSTANDERS! (lemins)
oh my god!!!
sera need madness like johnny yep like johnnythm to defeat to stilleta damint….
horrible emo witch
JOHNNY THE HOMICIDAL MANIAC IS VERY MUCH BETTER than stilleta the emo homicidal witch hahahaha
sera kick her ass in the next page I know…
yo hablo español tambien… bye see you later guys
My sister loves stilleta…
God, this pages is just going to give nightmares,