so Sera’s leaving Kelton’s car at the top of Bettie’s was all part of the master plan. Good way to support the story, ppl are usually like “and where the fuck did he/she get a car.”
On a less important note; the tall thing behind Kelton’s car (the chain holding city hall down i think?) Is it supposed to be faded like the rest of the background above the car too? or is that intentional?
Okay, okay… so I saw it coming that Kelton was just a distraction for Tess to do the real ass-kicking, but I did not see THAT coming! Holy shit holy shit!
Also, Please, pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssssseeeeee let Tess live!
I absolutely LOVE the structure of this page. WOW. Krunch indeed.
… and I cast one more vote* along the lines of hoping that that face Tess is making is indicative of “die scary psycho bitch die” and not of some catastrophic internal hemorrhage.
(I think that may be the first time I’ve had occasion to use the word “hemorrhage.” What a good word)
I find it troubling that Sera still hasn’t actually done anything. Somehow I don’t think she’ll get through the next twelve pages just reacting to stuff. Tess is awesome, but Sera is my hero…
*Not that this is actually a democracy. But still.
aaron…you are my *god*….well, you would be if i believed in one, at any rate…
…regardless, i’m torn between what i like better…the masterful story you write (the pacing is *so* spot on!), or the incredible page structure (the panels of each page enhace what’s going on the the story by, oh, say, 14 bazillion percent), or the fact that you can crank out such beautifully rendered work on such a regular schedule.
of course, the kid in me likes the frosted side, too!
Everyone’s so excited about the ginormous red-haired sasquatch
but for Kelton to stand there
being the wuss he is
as a decoy?
I think that he is brave, too.
Maybe braver than Tess, even.
@Claire: I nominate that for the title of *Angriest Tess Face EVER!”
@StudioRobb: it’s okay, you can *always* believe in mr. A!
@Sphyrna: Tess has always had a lead foot; now, it’s got a big cast for *extra* weight
A thot happened: In a way, Tess seems to be proving Victor “Vampires in the basement” Vogel *right* here, which kinda seems inappropriate….. which makes me suspect that Stilletta ain’t finished yet. I fink Sera’s still gonna be the one to take her down. In a *non*-“surprise-bullet-to-the-head” fashion.
@Ringoko: Agreed. “Painting the target” is a seriously hazardous mission. So is standing on the landing site to show an aircraft where to land. Especially if it isn’t an aircraft. And they always say, never call an air strike on your own position….
Knowing what was *behind* him took even more guts than knowing what was in *front* of him!
Wow, lookit me yammer! But I just noticed, all of a sudden I’m not *completely* sure that thing on top of the BG building is a cow skull after all, thanks to the King Kong flashback it induced……
HELL…………YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TESS COME ON!!!! “>Ç<”
goodbye crestfallen…
“por favor” que hablas español y te gusta serenity rose por que soy el unico que habla english/español en este sitio TAN MARAVILLOSO como ves? espero que no le pase nada a tess y muera la maldita emo de estilleta SI WUJU BIEN TEES BIEN…
so Sera’s leaving Kelton’s car at the top of Bettie’s was all part of the master plan. Good way to support the story, ppl are usually like “and where the fuck did he/she get a car.”
BTW Kudos to the ppl who saw Tess coming to the rescue last page, I know I didn’t…
Holy…freaking…shit! GO TESS!
Just when I thought she couldn’t be made of more win.
Nothing like seeing a car plough head-on into Stiletta four times from four different angles to make my morning.
…and Phase 1 of Stilletta’s makeover is complete: nothing like a full-body auto massage to loosen up the muscles and iron out the kinks.
Hopefully, Tess will get out of this with only a few more casts… I really hope she’s gonna be ok o_o
Way to car kamikaze, Tess! You just increase your badass by about ten points!
p.s. if Tess dies from this my heart will be SHATTERED.
Just throwing that out there.
Best. Ambush. EVER.
Kelton finally got his car back, with new complementy hood ornament…
Awesome. PWNED (hopefully…)
On a less important note; the tall thing behind Kelton’s car (the chain holding city hall down i think?) Is it supposed to be faded like the rest of the background above the car too? or is that intentional?
diversion #2, in true Tess style over the top, way over the top.
all I can say is way to go Tess.
The SSI can’t hold a candle to you.
HELL YEAH!!! That’s my kinda girl there!!!

I assume thats Keltons car, Kelton I think you’ve just become a pedestrian. I doubt thats the end of Stelletta not with twelve pages left.
(’nuff on that subject…. ‘cept i bet she never even *told* her boss she was coming “in”!)
Tolja she was one smart psychobilly
(and there’s PLENNY more to cover for twelve pages…. i figger it’s a three-act. or more.)
Okay, okay… so I saw it coming that Kelton was just a distraction for Tess to do the real ass-kicking, but I did not see THAT coming! Holy shit holy shit!
Also, Please, pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssssseeeeee let Tess live!
hahaha- everyone is like: “witch vs. witch fight!!”
and Tess says “F$%# THAT!” VRRRROOOOOOMMMMM!!
hope she’s alright…
Here’s hoping that car has a good front impact safety rating. Good thing Tess there is already partially covered in armor.
I absolutely LOVE the structure of this page. WOW. Krunch indeed.
… and I cast one more vote* along the lines of hoping that that face Tess is making is indicative of “die scary psycho bitch die” and not of some catastrophic internal hemorrhage.
(I think that may be the first time I’ve had occasion to use the word “hemorrhage.” What a good word)
I find it troubling that Sera still hasn’t actually done anything. Somehow I don’t think she’ll get through the next twelve pages just reacting to stuff. Tess is awesome, but Sera is my hero…
*Not that this is actually a democracy. But still.
aaron…you are my *god*….well, you would be if i believed in one, at any rate…
…regardless, i’m torn between what i like better…the masterful story you write (the pacing is *so* spot on!), or the incredible page structure (the panels of each page enhace what’s going on the the story by, oh, say, 14 bazillion percent), or the fact that you can crank out such beautifully rendered work on such a regular schedule.
of course, the kid in me likes the frosted side, too!
If I may…
Just like Stilletta, I totally didn’t see that one coming. Way to go.
Even with a cold, an essay to write and a T-shirt to design, this just absolutely made my day. ^.^
I will never stop lovin’ you, Tess. Marry me.
Owned! : D
I kind of expected Tess to be waving her psychobilly hat and cheering as she flies through the air.
horizontal velocity of car must be greater than or equal to mass of car*9.8m/s^2
Continuity FTW!
Excellent use of the car not being able to be retrieved from the roof before now. =)
Everyone’s so excited about the ginormous red-haired sasquatch
but for Kelton to stand there
being the wuss he is
as a decoy?
I think that he is brave, too.
Maybe braver than Tess, even.
@Claire: I nominate that for the title of *Angriest Tess Face EVER!”
@StudioRobb: it’s okay, you can *always* believe in mr. A!
@Sphyrna: Tess has always had a lead foot; now, it’s got a big cast for *extra* weight
A thot happened: In a way, Tess seems to be proving Victor “Vampires in the basement” Vogel *right* here, which kinda seems inappropriate….. which makes me suspect that Stilletta ain’t finished yet. I fink Sera’s still gonna be the one to take her down. In a *non*-“surprise-bullet-to-the-head” fashion.
@Ringoko: Agreed. “Painting the target” is a seriously hazardous mission. So is standing on the landing site to show an aircraft where to land. Especially if it isn’t an aircraft. And they always say, never call an air strike on your own position….
Knowing what was *behind* him took even more guts than knowing what was in *front* of him!
@Maren: just noticed your comment 2 pages back, gotta say you picked a *great* time to jump in!
Wow, lookit me yammer! But I just noticed, all of a sudden I’m not *completely* sure that thing on top of the BG building is a cow skull after all, thanks to the King Kong flashback it induced……
Kelton was bait, WOW!
HELL…………YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TESS COME ON!!!! “>Ç<”
goodbye crestfallen…
“por favor” que hablas español y te gusta serenity rose por que soy el unico que habla english/español en este sitio TAN MARAVILLOSO como ves? espero que no le pase nada a tess y muera la maldita emo de estilleta SI WUJU BIEN TEES BIEN…
thankS for restring my ip proxy thanks guys THANKS
@luis levy the maniac z? aka johnny’s fan
no you are not the only one who speaks spanish…
Where’s the new page?! It’s Thursday! haha
Panel 1 is a beaut – awesome background, great tension.
Your art keeps getting better! Thanks, Aaron.
ohh yesssssssssssss,tess!!so overwhelming as always ^ ^.
PD:LUIS LEVY THE MANIAC ,si se hablar español y si me gusta serenity rose.
Tessa Loves Sera Super Duper Duro-Core!!! YYEAH!!